Leyland Rapidplay
Venue: Wellfield Business and Enterprise College
Date: 23 Feb 14 to 23 Feb 14
Controller: Mr Matthew Carr
Timings: 25 mins to completion.
Pos Player Grade Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D
1 Taylor, Robert K......... 176B 120174J w14+ b7+ w6+ b8+ w2- b9+ 5 6 1195 199
2 Whitehead, Mark A........ 171C 104852B b3= w5= w13+ b7+ b1+ w6+ 5 6 1150 192
3 Aspinall, David E........ 144A 105931C w2= b12- w14+ b11+ w8= b13+ 4 6 1059 177
4 Martin, Nicholas E....... 167D 130915J w7- b15+ w12+ b5+ w6- b8+ 4 6 1023 171
5 Hughes, Graham P......... 144E 178954F bye= b2= w9+ w4- b14= b11+ 3½ 5 871 174
6 McDonagh, Michael........ 175A 234765K b13+ w11= b1- w12+ b4+ b2- 3½ 6 1026 171
7 Connor, Michael I........ 157A 108722J b4+ w1- b10+ w2- w9- b14+ 3 6 967 161
8 Hilton, Tim.............. 171X 282176L w12= b9+ w11+ w1- b3= w4- 3 6 961 160
9 Kane, Brendan D.......... 166D 157701D b10+ w8- b5- w15+ b7+ w1- 3 6 910 152
10 Wright, Fergal........... 132C 280731C w9- b14= w7- b13= bye+ w15+ 3 5 712 142
11 Coward, Neil............. 162A 163643B w15+ b6= b8- w3- b12+ w5- 2½ 6 860 143
12 Gibbs, John.............. 146C 187467G b8= w3+ b4- b6- w11- bye+ 2½ 5 719 144
13 Taylor, Mark............. 154B 120139G w6- bye+ b2- w10= b15+ w3- 2½ 5 652 130
14 Hanson, Robert........... 155E 182067K b1- w10= b3- bye+ w5= w7- 2 5 603 121
15 Tait, Bill............... 130s 281332E b11- w4- bye+ b9- w13- b10- 1 5 531 106
16 Kelly-Browne, Raven...... 135A 268023D bye- 0 0 0 0
A = Player's score
B = Number of graded games played
C = Total grading points
D = Grading performance
This print out was produced by Tournament Director for Windows (v7.5) which is available from
Neil Hayward, 85 Windsor Road, Swindon, Wiltshire. SN3 1LG. Tel: 01793 336941
Inter: Cross Table
Leyland Rapidplay
Venue: Wellfield Business and Enterprise College
Date: 23 Feb 14 to 23 Feb 14
Controller: Mr Matthew Carr
Timings: 25 mins to completion.
Pos Player Grade Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D
1 Lysons, Chris............ 112C 251140L w15+ b2+ b18+ w13+ b5+ w4+ 6 6 1035 173
2 Cartlidge, Alex J........ 120D 277178A b21+ w1- b22+ w7+ b8+ w5+ 5 6 860 143
3 Collinson, Seth.......... 112A 283328B b17+ w18- b5- w22+ b13+ w6+ 4 6 768 128
4 Crane, Carl.............. 123s 275074A b8+ w6+ b7+ w5- b11+ b1- 4 6 778 130
5 Walmsley, Danny.......... 117s 256456H w16+ b9+ w3+ b4+ w1- b2- 4 6 785 131
6 Davies, Dennis........... 113B 109352G w20+ b4- w9= b10+ w15+ b3- 3½ 6 746 124
7 De Santos, Andrew R...... 109B 180180G w10+ b11+ w4- b2- b18+ w8= 3½ 6 766 128
8 Glover, Gordon L......... 111A 256834C w4- b12+ w10+ b9+ w2- b7= 3½ 6 743 124
9 O'Rourke, Ben............ 111s 160714F b13+ w5- b6= w8- w19+ w11+ 3½ 6 741 124
10 Beardmore, Sam G......... 121A 283538B b7- w17+ b8- w6- b22+ w19+ 3 6 636 106
11 Camp, Andrew R........... 116E 279187A b22+ w7- b20+ w18+ w4- b9- 3 6 671 112
12 Heywood, Myles........... 109D 240791H b14= w8- b21= b15- w16+ w18+ 3 6 700 117
13 Riley, Christopher....... 122C 155822F w9- b16+ w19+ b1- w3- b15+ 3 6 682 114
14 Barnett, Douglas J....... 120X 173135L w12= b19- w15- b16+ w20+ 2½ 5 557 111
15 Amir-Afshari, Farhad..... 128B 105699C b1- w22- b14+ w12+ b6- w13- 2 6 578 96
16 Cartlidge, Jacob D....... 107C 275894F b5- w13- b17+ w14- b12- b20+ 2 6 558 93
17 Davies, Sam.............. 89A 289559G w3- b10- w16- w21- bye+ b22+ 2 5 401 80
18 Whitehead, Gerry J....... 125C 121527K w19+ b3+ w1- b11- w7- b12- 2 6 570 95
19 Bharati, Arun............ 112s 285038C b18- w14+ b13- w20= b9- b10- 1½ 6 550 92
20 Nixon, Thomas............ 101B 201867G b6- w21+ w11- b19= b14- w16- 1½ 6 527 88
21 Rigby, Anthony W......... 109s 123864E w2- b20- w12= b17+ 1½ 4 369 92
22 Holland, Nigel........... 102s 278558E w11- b15+ w2- b3- w10- w17- 1 6 486 81
23 Edhouse, Peter........... 124s 246222K 0 0 0 0
A = Player's score
B = Number of graded games played
C = Total grading points
D = Grading performance
This print out was produced by Tournament Director for Windows (v7.5) which is available from
Neil Hayward, 85 Windsor Road, Swindon, Wiltshire. SN3 1LG. Tel: 01793 336941